The Board has overall responsibility for ensuring that we maintain high standards of health and safety. However, we rely on all of our employees, subcontractors and clients to play their part in effectively implementing our health and safety policy and sharing in our commitment to keeping our employees safe.
As such, we will:
Three Grey Monkeys is committed to continual improvement in safety performance and ensuring that the delivery of the health and safety management system is adequately resourced to enable the full implementation of this policy.
It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to drive and monitor the implementation of this policy, the company’s overall health and safety performance and also to provide strategic guidance to all of the operational divisions and support functions.
This Health and Safety Policy Statement and the Responsibilities and Arrangements that support it will be reviewed at least annually or more frequently where there have been significant changes to the company or the nature of the company’s activities.
Here are just a selection of our Partners and Clients